Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thesis 44: The State as the Answer to the Prayers of Rebels

The monarchy in Israel was a result of rebellion in families,[1] a desire to be like the demonic States around Israel,[2] a rejection of the Lord’s priestly calling to be a holy nation,[3] and a rejection of God’s Law as given to the Patriarchs.[4] When the people desire centralized political structures it is because they desire to flee personal patriarchal responsibility.[5] God judges their sin by granting their wish, and inflicting upon these covetous, irresponsible Families the curse of the State.[6] Empire is a substitute for Godly Families: The alternative is always Patriarchy (government by Godly Families) or the Paternalistic State (“the government” instead of Godly Families).[7] Political officers were therefore at all times to be called “father” and “mother”[8] to remind both citizen and officer of the Patriarchal ideal in God’s Law.

1. 1 Samuel 2:12ff.,29; 3:13; 8:2-5
2. 1 Samuel 8:5,20
3. Numbers 23:9; Exodus 33:16
4. 1 Samuel 8:7,18[LXX]-19; 10:19; 12:12, 17,19; Hosea 13:11; Ezekiel 20:24-25
5. 1 Samuel 8:20
6. 1 Samuel 8:11-18; Ezekiel 20:25.
7. Genesis 41:43
8. Cf. references in Westminster Larger Catechism, qq. 124-125, + Job 29:16; Judges 17:10; 1 Sam 24:11,21; Acts 7:2; Judges 5:7.

51 Theses til Election Day

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